Value of the Dow/ Value of the U.S. Dollar
Using simple math, one can see that, if you decrease the denominator (in this case the value of the U.S. Dollar) , it makes it it appear that the value of the Dow is up, since the value of the entire fraction increases, however it is really just the value of the measuring unit decreasing. This devaluation of the U.S. Dollar has been courtesy of the Federal Reserve and our Debt-Money System. Therefore, when the Debt-money system collapses, and the U.S. Dollar starts rising in a highly deflationary environment, which has already begun in 2006-2008, and should accelerate in coming months and years, the whole house of cards will come down, and the Nominal Dow will collapse in value, as it should have in 2000. But, these genius central planners have managed to hold up this debt Ponzi Scheme and thus nominal prices, but as Issac Newton stated: "what goes up must come down", and the global credit bubble is no exception.
The Dow Most people see:
The REAL Bear market in stocks:
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